Search Results for: أوستن تايس

December 12, 2021

Austin Tice’s mother says White House is the “hurdle” obstructing his release from Syria

Debra Tice, who has been in the capital Washington over the past five weeks to hold meetings with US officials, admitted in a press conference on Thursday at the National Press Club that "the hurdle I'm having is the White House."

November 9, 2020

It’s time to stop impunity for crimes against journalists in Syria

Since 2014, November 2nd has been dedicated to remembering all journalists who have been killed, harmed, or detained while pursuing their profession and to continuing the fight against impunity for all crimes against journalists.

January 22, 2019

Family Of American Jailed In Syria Goes Public In An Appeal To Trump

In 2012, the Syrian conflict and the swelling number of refugees became his urgent concern. He opened two mental health clinics in Lebanon, and another in Jordan. He taught traumatized refugees a stress management technique known as HeartMath