Russia’s Massacres and Violations against Syrian Civilians
This report is a necessary tool for all those fighting for justice, accountability, and the defense of human rights to hold the Russian government fully responsible for the intervention in Syria, one that is not based on any legitimate basis of international law.
The first chapter sheds light on the tools that were used by the regime to circumvent international sanctions, and suggests how those who facilitated these tools could be punished by international organizations.
Learn MoreBlacklist: book on war criminals in Syria
Blacklist: violations committed by the most prominent figures and How to bring them to justice
Learn More?Patchwork justice for Syria
(العربية) The report adds that, should federal indictment be issued against perpetrator of war crimes, this would be the first instance of the US criminally charging senior Syrian officials.
Learn MoreInside the Alaa M. Trial #60: Al Agi on the Defensive
The Judges proceeded with questioning Al-Agi by asking him about the origin of the verdict detailing the conviction and how he obtained it. Al-Agi explained that it was not from lawyer Tony, but perhaps the Accused’s uncle.
Learn MorePro justice: Statement by a Group of Syrian Civil Society Organizations Welcoming the Issuance of Arrest Warrants Against President Bashar al-Assad and Three Other Generals
These arrest warrants would not have been issued without the courage of the survivors of chemical attacks, whose role in supporting the path of justice deserves all respect and appreciation, so is the step taken by French judges, which emphasizes the importance of judicial integrity and independence.
Learn MorePublic Hearings Begin in the Case Submitted by the Netherlands and Canada against the Syrian Arab Republic
Request the Syrian government to immediately suspend all personnel suspected of having committed torture or other ill-treatment.
Learn MoreDevoured by a Ferocious Beast in the Desert
I couldn’t speak so I walked with them as if I were floating in space and we never returned to the cells. My loved ones’ fate is unknown, as is the fate of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Syrians.
Learn MoreSNHR Obtains Hundreds of Death Certificates for People Forcibly Disappeared by the Syrian Regime, Whose Families Have Not been Notified of Their Deaths, Which Have Not Been Announced by Civil Register Offices
The Syrian Regime Has Killed Hundreds of Forcibly Disappeared Persons in its Prisons, Including Prominent Activists from the Uprising against its Rule.
Learn MoreThe world must act to restore funding to Syria to avert a humanitarian catastrophe
If come December, international relations deteriorate and the final border crossing into Syria is closed, it is the people of Syria who will pay the highest price.
Learn MoreScorched earth: How a decade of war destroyed Syria’s farmlands
Cluster bombs, mines and other remnants of war are a daily danger for Syrian farmers as well as leaving a toxic legacy that could contaminate the soil for decades.
Learn MoreSyrian Regime Forces Forcibly Disappear 10 Popular Uprising Activists in Suwayda
At Least 2,172 Persons from Suwayda Governorate Are Currently Detained or Forcibly Disappeared in the Syrian Regime’s Official and Unofficial Detention Centers
Learn MoreSanctions, the Caesar Act, and COVID-19 in Syria
The 35-page report, Sanctions, the Caesar Act, and COVID-19 in Syria, conducts a rigorous assessment of urgent needs in Syria
Learn MoreTreasury Sanctions Investors Supporting Assad Regime’s Corrupt Reconstruction Efforts
Designations target individuals and entities seeking to profit from the large-scale displacement of Syrian civilians
Learn MoreNetherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Report on the General Situation in Syria Issued in May 2020
We Welcome the Report’s Findings, Which Confirm That the Situation in Syria Is Unsuitable for the Return of Refugees Due to Arrests, Torture and Confiscation of Property
Learn MorePro justice: Statement by a Group of Syrian Civil Society Organizations Welcoming the Issuance of Arrest Warrants Against President Bashar al-Assad and Three Other Generals
These arrest warrants would not have been issued without the courage of the survivors of chemical attacks, whose role in supporting the path of justice deserves all respect and appreciation, so is the step taken by French judges, which emphasizes the importance of judicial integrity and independence.
Learn MoreAssad must face trial for his atrocities against the Syrian people
This is a good start, although, given the scale of the crimes committed, what is really required is the formation of a special international criminal tribunal at The Hague dedicated to Syria-related cases would serve to accelerate the criminal-justice accountability process.
Learn MoreList of Assad regime war criminals is long
The Assad regime with top-ranking military officials established the People’s Committees, which mostly consisted of Alawite citizens
Learn MoreProsecuting ISIS in Northeast Syria
Following the capture of Baghouz, SDF officials called for an international tribunal to help prosecute the more than 1,000 foreign fighters in its custody
Learn MoreMassacre in Tadamon: how two academics hunted down a Syrian war criminal
“Because how long do you want to go on courting a mukhabarat[intelligence] officer,” asked Uğur. “I think that the moment where he opened up about his brother, and that he committed revenge, that’s as close as you can get in this particular context.”
Learn MoreCrimes and violations against Syrian children
Under international laws, children benefit from the protections granted to civilian non-combatants
Learn MoreChemical weapons use against civilians
Each State Party undertakes to destroy chemical weapons it owns or possesses, or that are located in any place under its jurisdiction or control, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention.
Learn MorePremeditated murder and mass killing
These crimes have been documented by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the independent, international commission of inquiry established by council resolution S-17/1 of 23 August 2011.
Learn MoreHussam Qaterji
Reuters published an investigation of Qaterji Group’s role in oil provision on 11 October 2017, titled “How a businessman struck a deal with Islamic State to help Assad feed Syrians
Learn MoreRami Makhlouf, Maternal cousin of Bashar al-Assad
Rami Makhlouf embarked on his path in corruption early, taking advantage of the commercial embargo on Syria in the 1980s to smuggle foodstuffs, electrical supplies, and industrial equipment from Lebanon and Turkey
Learn MoreKhaldoun Makhlouf is the son of Adnan the former commander of the Republican Guard in the Syrian
Khaldoun Makhlouf’s capital comes from two main sources. His first source of capital comes from funds raised through his father ‘Adnan Makhlouf’s corruption, bribes, and blackmail activities committed under the cover of Basil al-Asaad
Learn MoreMajor General Jawdat Saleebi Mawas. What do you know about him?
Major General Jawdat oversaw the chemical attack on the eastern Ghouta, which killed 1127 people, including 201 women and 107 children
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