Search Results for: الأمم المتحدة

August 13, 2022

a letter to the US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield

The House Foreign Affairs Committee recently approved the measure by voice vote, and it is awaiting floor consideration. Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., has introduced a companion bill.

February 10, 2021

Syria: UN experts call on 57 states to repatriate women and children from squalid camps

United Nations group of experts says countries of origin have primary responsibility to protect nationals in vulnerable situations outside their territories

February 7, 2021

Has the UN simply failed in Syria, or is it complicit in the regime’s crimes?

The UN is essentially shackled by the original sin of its founding, which was to grant the permanent members of the Security Council the power of veto.

January 26, 2021

UN: Decade of war deprives over half of Syrian children of education

Their joint statement added that this figure is likely to have risen due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has reportedly "exacerbated the disruption" to education in Syria.

January 23, 2021

UN says 12 people killed in Syria’s Al Hol camp

"More than 80% of the population are women and children who fled to the camp seeking protection and humanitarian assistance."

January 23, 2021

UN: Syrians alone can’t stop war, global help vital

He said the political process so far has not yet delivered any real changes in Syrians' lives, nor a real vision for the future.

December 22, 2020

90% of Syria families in Lebanon living in extreme poverty, says UN

Half of Syrian refugee families surveyed for the report were found to be suffering from food insecurity, up from 28 per cent in 2019.

November 26, 2020

UN official: Millions of displaced in Syria set to suffer this winter, require assistance

The economic crisis Syria is undergoing has also sharply increased the prices of basic necessities such as food, in some cases rising by over 40 per cent.

June 30, 2020

SNHR Receives Notification from the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

At Least 84,000 Persons Forcibly Disappeared by the Syrian Regime, We Seek to Register as Many of Them as Possible with the United Nations Group