Search Results for: الولايات المتحدة

January 6, 2023

The United States and Türkiye Take Joint Action to Disrupt ISIS Financing

Prior to his arrest in July 2021, then-ISIS finance leader ‘Abd-al-Rahman ‘Ali al-Ahmad al-Rawi (al-Rawi) established financial channels throughout Russia, Europe, China, and Africa to transfer existing ISIS funds and generate additional ISIS revenue.

May 26, 2021

Joint Statement by the Secretary of State of the United States of America, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, and the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, and Italy

We, the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America wish to make clear that Syria’s May 26 presidential election will neither be free nor fair.

February 3, 2021

US-backed Kurdish forces end Syria sieges

The SDF imposed several conditions for ending the sieges, including the lifting of the siege imposed by the Syrian regime forces on several areas of Aleppo and Tal Rifaat.

October 25, 2019

After Its Secretary of State Announced That the Syrian Regime Again Used Chemical Weapons, the USA Should Implement Its Red Line Pledge

Through Its Repeated Use of Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Syrian Regime Shows It Is a Threat to the World and Humanity, Not Just Syrians

October 10, 2019

The United States Is Done Caring About Syria

A major new report about the Syrian war raises the question of whether Washington ever cared about it in the first place

October 10, 2019

U.S. Discourages Export of Surveillance Technology to Human Rights Abusers

The Syrian government has a long history of surveilling its population through the use of human informants. Documents obtained by SJAC show that Syrian intelligence agencies ruled by instilling fear in the population

May 22, 2019

US accuses Syrian government of fresh chemical weapon attack

State department says it will respond ‘quickly and appropriately’ if use of chlorine is proven

May 3, 2019

US calls for end to Russian-backed air strikes in Syria’s Idlib

Washington warns of regional destabilisation as 51 civilians killed in ten days of ongoing air assaults

March 18, 2019

Chemical weapons attack in Syria: US, UK and France joint statement

As Permanent Members of the Security Council, we reaffirm our shared resolve to preventing the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime, and for holding them accountable for any such use