Search Results for: شمس الحسيني

February 21, 2021

Former prosecutor: More evidence of war crimes against Syrian President Assad than there was against Nazis

There are thousands of photos of victims tortured to death by Assad's minions in addition to the paperwork linking their murders to the Syrian dictator.

February 10, 2021

Syria: UN experts call on 57 states to repatriate women and children from squalid camps

United Nations group of experts says countries of origin have primary responsibility to protect nationals in vulnerable situations outside their territories

February 7, 2021

Has the UN simply failed in Syria, or is it complicit in the regime’s crimes?

The UN is essentially shackled by the original sin of its founding, which was to grant the permanent members of the Security Council the power of veto.

January 16, 2021

Businessmen with ties to Assad linked to Beirut port blast cargo

Revelations about London company reinforce suspicions that Beirut, and not Mozambique, was intended destination of ammonium nitrate.

November 26, 2020

UN official: Millions of displaced in Syria set to suffer this winter, require assistance

The economic crisis Syria is undergoing has also sharply increased the prices of basic necessities such as food, in some cases rising by over 40 per cent.

November 23, 2020

Syria opens lavish museum for Assad’s brother as its people go hungry

Monument for Bassel al-Assad, who died in 1994, provokes outrage online as Syrians struggle to make ends meet

November 21, 2020

Syrian human rights activist feared in danger of execution by HTS

Nour al-Shalo, who has been detained for two months, is known for her work supporting women and the disadvantaged in Syria's Idlib

November 17, 2020

Syria asks returning Palestine refugees to prove property ownership in Yarmouk

The Palestinian refugees said that it is difficult to meet these conditions because most of the houses were partially or completely destroyed and many of the official documents were damaged.

November 13, 2020

Russia grants Assad $1bn, opens trade mission in Damascus

Russia, which has been militarily assisting the regime in the conflict since its intervention in 2015, has remained firm in its view that Syrian refugees who fled the regime's crackdown and the ensuing civil war should be returned to the country.