Search Results for: مؤتمر بروكسل

April 19, 2021

Brussels V: Prolonging the Present Crisis

Donor states should instead strategically condition aid to the relevant parties upon actions taken toward specific policy goals that facilitate humanitarian work.

April 4, 2019

Common position of Syrian civil society organizations on the Declaration of the EU and the UN, co-chairs of the Brussels III conference on the future of Syria and the region

Directly and openly condemning the Syrian regime and its allies of targeting civilians in Syria, including the recent and current attacks on Idlib

March 18, 2019

Brussels Donors’ Meeting: Much A Do About Nothing

The European Union and the United Nations co-chaired the third Brussels Conference on Supporting the future of Syria and the region, on 12-14 March 2019. While the Conference achieved some good results, it overlooked other issues that we believe are very important. 57 countries and more than 20 international organisations and UN agencies came together to participate in an international conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region. On 12-13 March, the 'days of dialogue' brought together more than 1000 participants: civil society representatives from Syria and the region, ministers and decision-makers from countries neighbouring Syria, donor countries, regional organisations, UN agencies, and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. They discussed key themes affecting the Syrian people and the international response to the crisis. The conference renewed its rejection of normalization with the regime, but some European diplomats expressed concern about changing the direction of international aid and directing it to areas of the regime. Part of the funding provided by the European Union and its country members should be used for the reconstruction of Syria, which was devastated during eight years of war, but the head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, warned that these funds "will only be transferred if a credible peace process begins in Geneva Under the auspices of the United Nations ". "The Syrian regime must be present at the negotiating table in Geneva," said Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders. "We hope that in the coming months we can move the political situation. That would allow the start of reconstruction and the return of refugees," he said.

March 17, 2019

Billions pledged to help refugees inside Syria and on borders

The figures are disputed, but Jordan houses more than 600,000 refugees, Lebanon 1 million, a sixth of its population, and Turkey as many as 3 million.

June 30, 2020

SNHR Receives Notification from the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

At Least 84,000 Persons Forcibly Disappeared by the Syrian Regime, We Seek to Register as Many of Them as Possible with the United Nations Group

February 23, 2019

Letter from the Syrian victims to Federica Mogherini and Geir Pedersen on Brussels 3

Today, as survivors of detention and families of people that have been detained, tortured and executed, we stand together to unite our voices and our pain

August 20, 2018

Syrian refugees cannot be forcibly returned

Recently, there have been indications of the possibility of returning Syrian refugees from some neighboring countries, particularly Lebanon, and to a certain extent Jordan and Turkey, regardless of the refugees' consent to return voluntarily.