Search Results for: هيئة تحرير الشام

November 21, 2020

Syrian human rights activist feared in danger of execution by HTS

Nour al-Shalo, who has been detained for two months, is known for her work supporting women and the disadvantaged in Syria's Idlib

February 19, 2020

November 9, 2020

It’s time to stop impunity for crimes against journalists in Syria

Since 2014, November 2nd has been dedicated to remembering all journalists who have been killed, harmed, or detained while pursuing their profession and to continuing the fight against impunity for all crimes against journalists.

July 24, 2020

Wafa Mustafa addressing the UNSC

We are proud of our brave colleague Wafa Mustafa from our movement who spoke powerfully before the Security Council today about the issue of our missing loved ones in Syria.

December 9, 2019

Eight violations (including killing of media professional) documented in November 2019

As usual, the Syrian regime committed the most deadly violations against journalists as it killed one media professional and injured one by directly targeting their locations while doing media coverage. On the other hand, HTS and PYD committed 3 violations each

March 15, 2022

The 2021 Annual Report.. Syria: The prison of journalism

This annual report is only evidence of the association’s effort and endeavor to bring the suffering of Syrian journalists to relevant forums with the intent of making a positive impact that will bring change to Syria so that we eventually reach an independent press in a free country.

March 10, 2022

On International Women’s Day: Multiple Violations Committed by Various Parties to the Conflict in Syria

Oppression of Women in All Groups’ Areas of Control Perpetuates a State of Lack of Development, Equality, and Security.

March 4, 2022

At Least 203 Arbitrary Arrests/Detentions Documented in Syria in February 2022, Including 13 Children and 11 Women

The Syrian Regime Admits to the Killing of Dozens of Persons Forcibly Disappeared by the Regime.

February 4, 2022

143 Arbitrary Arrests/ Detentions Documented in Syria in January 2022, Including Two Children

Further Restrictions on Freedom of Expression Affect Even the Slightest Criticism of the Syrian Regime’s Corruption.