Justice & Accountability

May 26, 2021
Joint Statement by the Secretary of State of the United States of America, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, and the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, and Italy
We, the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America wish to make clear that Syria’s May 26 presidential election will neither be free nor fair.

May 23, 2021
Time to Focus on the Victims – on EU Day against Impunity
Current UJ trials dealing with crimes committed in the Syrian conflict unveil the special needs of victims of core international crimes.

May 23, 2021
The Syrian Regime Threatens, Arrests and Tortures the Families of Dissident Political and Military Activists, Using Mafia-Like Methods
Forcing the Father of Activist and Doctor, Amani Ballour, to Appear on Official State Media and to Promote the Security Services’ Falsified Version of Events.

May 16, 2021
19,192 Civilians Killed and 34,982 Others Arrested During the Months of Ramadan in the Last Ten Years
The Syrian Regime and Its Iranian and Russian Allies Are Responsible for 86% of the Total Killings.

May 11, 2021
The Limitations of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction in the Service of the Accountability Process and Its Inability to Prosecute the Highest Ranking Officials
The task that universal jurisdiction can play is narrow and beset by numerous complications and difficulties stemming firstly from the nature of this principle itself, and secondly from the willingness or otherwise of the world’s countries to interact with it.

May 5, 2021
The Annual Report on the Most Notable Violations against Media Workers in Syria on World Press Freedom Day
709 Journalists and Media Workers Have Been Killed Since March 2011, Including 52 Due to Torture

April 28, 2021
The Presidential Elections That the Syrian Regime Unilaterally Plans to Hold Are Illegitimate, Imposed by Regime Security Services and Undermine the Political Process
Bashar al Assad Is Accused of Committing Many Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes and Must Be Held Accountable

April 23, 2021
Joint Statement : Now the Syrian Regime’s Stripped of Its Privileges from the Chemical Weapons Convention
We Look Forward to the Creation and Implementation of New Accountability Mechanisms as a Step on the Path of Justice in Syria.

April 19, 2021
Brussels V: Prolonging the Present Crisis
Donor states should instead strategically condition aid to the relevant parties upon actions taken toward specific policy goals that facilitate humanitarian work.