
September 25, 2019

Syrian Democratic Forces Breach US and European Sanctions and Support the Syrian Regime with Oil and Gas

Investigation Must Be Launched to Disclose the Expenditure of Oil and Gas Revenues, with Fears These Are Being Used to Fund Terrorism

September 22, 2019

Priorities for the 2019 UN General Assembly

the release of detainees, lasting ceasefire and humanitarian access in Idlib, protecting refugees from forced return, justice in northeast Syria, and cessation of property crimes

September 22, 2019

Satellite Images Obtained by SNHR Prove the Extent of Massive Destruction Inflicted on Khan Sheikhoun City

The Goal of the Russian-Syrian Alliance Is to Implement the Grozny and Eastern Ghouta Model and to Destroy as Many Buildings as Possible to Punish Society

September 21, 2019

War Crime Perpetrators and Justice in Syria

A panel of experts will delve into prospects for promoting transitional justice and accountability in Syria as part of any post-conflict scenario

September 16, 2019

SJAC Launches Universal Jurisdiction Guides

One of the principle difficulties faced by prosecutors in bringing these cases is obtaining sufficient, relevant, and credible evidence

September 15, 2019

Accountability Remains Absent on the Sixth Anniversary of the World’s Largest Chemical Weapons Attack Since the Chemical Weapons Convention

The Syrian Regime Encourages Other Regimes in the World to Use Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction

September 12, 2019

Escalating violence and waves of displacement continue to torment civilians during eighth year of Syrian conflict

Up to 70,000 individuals remain interned in deplorable and inhumane conditions at Al-Hol camp, the vast majority of whom are women and children under the age of 12

September 11, 2019

Air strikes in Syria’s Idlib kill first civilian since ceasefire

Russian raids on rebel-held enclave threaten fragile truce, though shelling has not abated since it began 11 days ago

September 11, 2019

Nearly 3,000 Individuals Are Still Detained or Forcibly Disappeared by Syrian Democratic Forces

Restrictions on Civil Society Organizations Through Repressive Practices Similar to Those of Extremist Groups

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