
July 2, 2019
United Nations money feeds corruption in Deir ez-Zor
After the revolution broke out, Nuweiser stood with the regime, and maintained his position even though one of his brothers died in an air strike on the al-Hamadiyeh district and another brother was wounded seriously and lost his foot

June 30, 2019
Syrian refugees forced to destroy their own homes in Lebanon
Demolition ordered by military leaves 5,000 families homeless again, says charity

June 27, 2019
50 civil society organizations call for immediate action in the Security Council on the issue of the missing in Syria
While the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of families who keep looking for any information about their missing loved ones during the ongoing conflict in Syria

June 27, 2019
Rukban’s Humanitarian Purgatory
Rukban is only one of numerous ongoing humanitarian crises where civilians are stuck between the national interests of international actors

June 24, 2019
‘On the cusp of death’: Bread and flour run out in Syria’s Rukban camp
Residents tell MEE they are desperate after a halt in almost all smuggling routes into the camp creates food crisis

June 23, 2019
Coastal breakdown in Syria creates opportunities for Russia
As Bashar tries to battle rebels and internal opponents alike, he is also struggling to balance the interests and objectives of his foreign backers, Iran and Russia, both of which have been instrumental in defending the regime

June 17, 2019
Anti-Syrian refugee sentiment ramps up in increasingly hostile Lebanon
From xenophobic statements by Lebanon's foreign minister to hostile public campaigns, Syrians are feeling less accepted than ever

June 14, 2019
In July 2018, the Lebanese government announced that they will facilitate the return of refugees to Syria under an agreement with the Syrian government

June 13, 2019
Idlib offensive: Stop the bombs or Syrians will ‘break the borders’
Recent protest at the Turkish border was triggered by the regime’s intensified military campaign on Syria’s last opposition-held region