News & Views

November 1, 2019
Journalists in Syria deserve protection and justice
While the vast majority of crimes against journalists have been committed with impunity, there are some possible avenues for justice

October 26, 2019
Syrian refugees arrested, face deportation from Egypt
“Detaining refugees in difficult circumstances, preventing them from communicating with their families and denying them health care is tantamount to torture,”

October 25, 2019
After Its Secretary of State Announced That the Syrian Regime Again Used Chemical Weapons, the USA Should Implement Its Red Line Pledge
Through Its Repeated Use of Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Syrian Regime Shows It Is a Threat to the World and Humanity, Not Just Syrians

October 23, 2019
Economic Recovery in Syria: Mapping Actors and Assessing Current Policies
Early recovery is critical because it is the phase that is supposed to transition the country from conflict to peace and stability and lay the foundation for the subsequent reconstruction process

October 21, 2019
Documentation of 72 Torture Methods the Syrian Regime Continues to Practice in Its Detention Centers and Military Hospitals
Identifying 801 Individuals Who Appeared in Caesar Photographs, the US Congress Must Pass the Caesar Act to Provide Accountability

October 18, 2019
Report: 10 Million Syrians Subjected to Violations in Regime Areas
A new report by the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity has highlight the fear experienced my many Syrians who return to regime controlled areas writes Brocar Press

October 18, 2019
Assad Is Now Syria’s Best-Case Scenario
The ruthless Syrian dictator is guilty of countless war crimes—and regrettably represents his country’s least bad remaining option

October 13, 2019
Universal Jurisdiction
The guides, available below in Arabic and English, outline how to submit a complaint, the investigation and trial process, and the rights of victims and witnesses