Directly and openly condemning the Syrian regime and its allies of targeting civilians in Syria, including the recent and current attacks on Idlib
April 4, 2019

Source: Syrian civil society organizations
The Third conference of the future of Syria and the region was held in Brussels from March 12 to March 14, 2019, co-chaired by the European Union and the United Nations.
An official declaration of the combined chairs of the conference was issued describing the major subjects of the conference and its outcomes.
As members of the Syrian civil society, the organizations listed below, we welcome the overall outcomes of the conference and in particular:
The inclusion of representatives of Syrian civil society in the conference through the events and panels of the Days of Dialogue and the insistence of the declaration on the importance to work with and support the Syrian civil society;
The reflection of many of the conclusions of these panels in the final declaration of the co-chairs of the conference;
The pledging of 7.0 B USD for 2019, and 2.4 B USD in as multi-year pledges starting 2020 for Syria and the region;
The reaffirmation of the declaration that a sustainable solution to the conflict in Syria can only be based on the Geneva Communiqué (2012) and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254 (2015), including, but not limited to, new constitution paving the way towards free and fair elections under UN supervision, including the diaspora;
The importance signaled in the declaration of fighting terrorism while respecting all parties’ obligations under international law and the protection of civilians and while admitting that the lasting eradication of terrorism in Syria requires a genuine political settlement that addresses the root-causes of the conflict;
The importance mentioned in the declaration of maintaining the ceasefire agreements, in particular the September 2018 memorandum of understanding between Russia and Turkey to establish a demilitarized zone in the northwest and calling for all parties involved to uphold their commitments and in particular prioritize the protection of the estimated three million civilians in Idlib;
The reminder in the declaration of the need to release detainees and abductees and to clarify the fate of missing persons, clearly mentioning that the fate of the civil society activists in the areas that were taken by the forces of the Syrian regime or those controlled by armed opposition groups, raises grave concerns;
The stressing out of the declaration on the issue of affordable access to civil documentation such as birth, marriage and death certificates or identity cards as a key protection concern in addition to the call for respect for housing, land and property rights in Syria;
The full commitment mentioned in the declaration to continue promoting accountability and justice as an inherent part of any meaningful process of genuine and sustainable reconciliation in Syria and the necessity to hold all those responsible for breaches of international law, including the use of chemical weapons and the blatant violations of international humanitarian and human rights law of which some may constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity accountable;
The precision in the declaration that conditions inside Syria do not lend themselves to the promotion or facilitation of organized voluntary returns in conditions of safety and dignity in line with international law and therefore that more should to maintain effective protection of refugees, further improve their access to legal documentation and/or temporary residency, widen their possibilities for self-sufficiency and, while doing so, contribute to the economic development of their host countries;
The note mentioned in the declaration to the importance of long-term support for children affected by the conflict, including psycho-social support and access to quality education;
The insistence in the declaration that funding decisions shall be conflict-sensitive, be based on independent needs assessments, shall in no way benefit or assist parties who have allegedly committed war crimes or crimes against humanity and shall not condone, or indirectly entrench, social and demographic engineering;
The reiteration included in the declaration that reconstruction and international support for its implementation will only be possible once a credible political solution, consistent with Security Council Resolution 2254 and the Geneva Communiqué, is firmly underway. A successful reconstruction process also requires minimal conditions for stability and inclusiveness, a democratic and inclusive government guaranteeing people’s safety and security, an agreed conflict-sensitive development strategy, reliable and legitimate interlocutors as well as guarantees in terms of funding accountability. None of these conditions, according to the declaration, are yet fulfilled in Syria.
However, we find the declaration of the co-chairs of the conference fell short on the following points:
Directly and openly condemning the Syrian regime and its allies of targeting civilians in Syria, including the recent and current attacks on Idlib;
Directly and openly condemning all parties of the conflict responsible of the forced displacement actions that occurred in 2018;
Raise attention to the increasingly difficult situation of the Syrian refugees in all host countries (including in Europe) with increased irresponsible hate-inciting declarations by politicians in these countries against the Syrian refugees and inaccurate false-hope-building talks about the return of refugees without a clear and defined counter communication fact-based strategy, all leading to increased social tension and violence against the refugees;
Directly hold the Syrian regime accountable for the safety and security of the IDPs returning to their homes while the UN agencies based in Damascus are mainly focusing on their livelihood conditions, almost regardless of their protection;
Insisting more clearly on the mandatory role of the Syrian civil society and the Syrian local communities in the design, the implementation and the monitoring of the all funding going towards the Syrian people inside and outside of Syria. The role of free media in the monitoring is also crucial;
Clearly calling out and holding accountable all parties of the conflict and their sponsors for the protection and safety of Syrian civil activists and particularly humanitarian actors in all of Syria and in neighboring countries;
Put in place mechanisms of monitoring and reporting on the use of the pledged funds according to the principals and declarations of the declaration. The phasing-in of Early Recovery without defined agreed-upon strategies and monitoring mechanisms may constitute, in that regards, a real risk of breaching the rules that the declaration declared on reconstruction.
We, as Syrian civil society organizations, will continue our commitment and action towards supporting our people inside and outside of Syria in its resilience and actions to reach its aspirations, to prepare and to participate in the future rebuilding of our country.
The undersigned:
Syrian Society Organizationsمنظمات المجتمع السوري |:
Syrian Center For Studies And Human Rights|المركز السوري للدراسات و حقوق الإنسان
Democratic Republic Studies Center|مركز دراسات الجمهورية الديمقراطية
Ensar Mazlumlar|جمعية التضامن والمساعدة لنصرة المظلومين
Education Without Borders/Midad|تعليم بلا حدود / مداد
Humanitarian Elber Organization|منظمة البر الانسانية
Alkawakibi Organization For Human Rights |منظمة الكواكبي لحقوق الإنسان
Syrian Engnieers For Construction And Development |منظمة المهندسين السوريين للأعمار والتنمية
The Waiht Helmet |الخوذ البيضاء
Bsmetamal Organization |منظمة بسمة امل للأعمال التنموية
Humanitarian Restoration Hope |إعادة الأمل الإنسانية
Altogether Organization|منظمة كلنا سوا
The Syrian Writers And Authors Forum|ملتقى الأدباء والكتاب السوريين
Syrian Journalists Association – SJA|رابطة الصحفيين السوريين
Shafak Alnour For Relief And Development|جمعية شفق النور للإغاثة والتنمية
Syria Relief Organization|هيئة إغاثة سوريا
The Syrian Network For Human Rights SNHR|الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسان
Syria Legal Network/ NL|شبكة سورية القانونية في هولندا
La Tahzan Charity |جمعية لا تحزن الخيرية
Sadad Humintarian Organization |منظمة سداد الإنسانية
Adaleh Organization For Relief And Development|منظمة عدالة للإغاثة والتنمية
International Humanitarian Relief |هيئة الاغاثة الانسانية الدولية
Access Center For Human Rights (ACHR)|مركز وصول لحقوق الإنسان
Anemone|منظمة شقائق النعمان
Syrian Institute For Justice|المعهد السوري للعدالة
Human Rights Guardians|حماة حقوق الانسان
دولتي |Dawlaty
اتحاد المنظمات الالمانية السورية|Verband Deutsch-Syrischer Hilfsvereine E.V./ VDSH:
مواطنون لأجل سوريا|Citizens for Syria
الجمعية الألمانية السورية|Deutsch-Syrischer Verein – DSV
المنتدى الألماني السوري |Deutsch-Syrisches Forum
اصدقاء الشعب السوري|FREUNDE DES Syrischen VOLKES E.V.
Union Of Syrian Coordinations|اتحاد تنسيقيات السوريين حول العالم
تحالف شمل لمنظمات المجتمع المدني السوري| Shaml Syrian Csos Coalition
Shaml Entities :
مكتب التنمية المحلية ودعم المشاريع الصغيرة|Local Development And Small-Projects Support (LDSPS)
منظمة فسحة أمل| Space Of Hope Organization
النساء الآن من أجل التنمية|Women Now For Development
منظمة كش ملك| Kesh Malek Organization
غصن الزيتون|Olive Branch
بسمة وزيتونة| Basmeh & Zeitooneh
اليوم التالي | The Day After (TDA)
فزعة| Fazaa
اتحاد منظمات المجتمع المدني السوري | USCSO
:USCSO Entities:
جمعية نور الخير | Nor Alkhair Charity
السراج للتنمية والرعاية الصحية | Alseeraj For Development And Healthcare
منظمة البنيان المرصوص الإنسانية | Albonian Almarsos Humanitarian Organization
جمعية الوحدة والتعاون السورية | Syrian Unity And Cooperation Society
جمعية غراس الخير الإنسانية | Ghiras Alkhaeer Humanitarian
منظمة بردى للإغاثة والتنمية والتعليم | Barada Organization
ملتقى البيت الدمشقي | Damascene House
رابطة أهل حوران | Ahl Horan Association
رابطة المرأة السورية | Syrian Women Association
دعاة إلى الخير | Duaat Al Khair (HAYRA DAVET EDENLER)
منظومة وطن | WATAN
الرابطة الطبية للمغتربين السوريين | Syrian Expatriate Medical Association
شباب لأجل سوريا | Youth For Syria
المؤسسة الدولية لدعم المرأة | International Supporting Woman Association
جمعية عطاء للإغاثة الإنسانية | ATAA HUMANITARIAN RELIEF ASSOCIATION
منظمة بادر الخيرية | Bader Charity Organization
رحمة بلا حدود | Mercy Without Limits
مؤسسة أرزاق الإنسانية | Arzaq Humanitarian
جنى وطن | JANA WATAN
منظمة زدني علما | E.D. Organization
مؤسسة بذور الأمل | Seeds Of Hope
مؤسسة رحمة الإنسانية | RAHMA Humanitarian Foundation
جمعية سنا للأعمال التعليمية والإنسانية | Sana Association For Educational And Humanitarian Works
بصمات من أجل التنمية | Basamat For Development
جمعية تكافل الخيرية | Takaful Charity
مؤسسة ارتقاء التعليمية | Irtiqaa Foundation
سيفيل كير | CIVIL CARE
بركة الإنسانية | Baraka Humanitarian
الهيئة السورية للتربية والتعليم | Syrian Education Commission
جمعية شام شريف | Şam Şerif İnsani Eğitim Kültür Ve Araştırma Derneği
الصحة للجميع | Health For All
فلوكا الحرية | Freedom Floka
همة | Himma Youth Organization
لانك انسان | Insan For Psychosocial Support
منظمة المهندسين السوريين للاعمار والتنمية | Syrian Engineers For Construction And Development
عدل واحسان | Adel And Ihsan
ا لبيت الشامي | Shami Home
مساحة سلام | Space Of Peace
الاتحاد السوري العام | GENERAL SYRIAN UNION
General Syrian Union Entities:
جمعية الأمل لمكافحة السرطان | ALAML ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER
تجمع احساس جمعية البر | Alberr Association
منظمة انسان الخيرية | INSAN Organization
ركين | Rakeen Organization
منظمة الأمين للمساندة الإنسانية | AL-Ameen For Humanitarian Support
جمعية أرزاق | Arzaq Humanitarian Foundation
منظمة الرعاية الانسانية | Health Care Organization
معا لأجل الخير | All For Charity
جمعية زيتونة للإغاثة والتنمية | Zaytoona Relief And Development
مؤسسة البصر للخدمات الانسانية | AL BASAR HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION
غرين) أخضر( | Green Syria Organization
هيئة التعليم الطبي | Medical Education Council
سابق للأعمال الخيرية والتنموية | Sabeq Foundation For Charity And Development
سخاء للإغاثة وللتنمية والتطوير | Sakhaa For Relief And Development
منظمة أكتف | Active Organization
الشام لرعاية الأيتام في عموم سورية | Sham Orphan Association Whole Of Syria
عبيدة للأعمال الخيرية | Obaida Charity
مؤسسة الحميدي الخيرية | Hmedi Charity
كلنا سوا | All Together
جمعية صفا الانسانية | Safe Association Humanity
جمعية البر والإحسان الخيرية | Bir And Ihsan
جمعية اليمان | Alyaman
جمعية الشام لرعاية وكفالة الأيتام | Sham Orphan Association
عثمان بن عفان | Osman Bin Affan
جمعية رحماء بينهم | Ruhamaa Takkadge
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Please feel free to share the message through your organization’s platforms and social media in order to deliver our demands as civil society organizations.
Thanks a lot for those who have contributed and participated in signing and supporting this paper
looking forward to your cooperation and contribution in the future to protect the interests of the Syrian people and our country
With sincere thanks and appreciation.