News & Views

June 20, 2020
Syrian Regime Forces Forcibly Disappear 10 Popular Uprising Activists in Suwayda
At Least 2,172 Persons from Suwayda Governorate Are Currently Detained or Forcibly Disappeared in the Syrian Regime’s Official and Unofficial Detention Centers

June 20, 2020
Sanctions, the Caesar Act, and COVID-19 in Syria
The 35-page report, Sanctions, the Caesar Act, and COVID-19 in Syria, conducts a rigorous assessment of urgent needs in Syria

June 18, 2020
Treasury Sanctions Investors Supporting Assad Regime’s Corrupt Reconstruction Efforts
Designations target individuals and entities seeking to profit from the large-scale displacement of Syrian civilians

June 10, 2020
Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Report on the General Situation in Syria Issued in May 2020
We Welcome the Report’s Findings, Which Confirm That the Situation in Syria Is Unsuitable for the Return of Refugees Due to Arrests, Torture and Confiscation of Property

June 6, 2020
The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in May 2020
A Comprehensive Deterioration in the Syrian Economy, with No Solution Except to Impose a Political Transition Within a Strict Timetable Not Exceeding Six Months

May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020
Destroying Ma’arat al Numan and Saraqib Cities and Displacing Their Residents
Destroying Cities and Their Environs, Displacing Their People, and Seizing Their Properties Is the Syrian Regime’s Malicious Tripartite Crime to Punish Those Demanding or Dreaming of Political Change

May 27, 2020
Message from Head of the IIIM: Independent Mechanism (Syria)
The IIIM seeks to provide support to similar efforts by competent jurisdictions investigating core international crimes committed in Syria

May 22, 2020
existing dispute reflects the disintegrating inner circle around Bashar al-Assad
In a series of tweets, Hijab wrote that, "Bashar is advocating for the application of the constitution and the law, and Rami Makhlouf is advocating for the poor