With this report, SLDP aims to provide evidence of the types human rights violations and international crimes business activity in Syria
August 24, 2019

Source: Syrian Legal Development Programme
The Syrian Legal Development Programme (SLDP)’s Human Rights and Business Unit has been documenting business-related activities that may contribute to international crimes or human rights violations in Syria on an ongoing basis since its founding in April 2018. SLDP has chosen to publish findings from this period in particular (1 April – 30 September 2018) as opposed to a more recent period is to avoid jeopardizing current investigations into more recent business-related activities and their human rights impacts.For more recent specific data please get in touch directly with our team.
With this report, SLDP aims to provide evidence of the types human rights violations and international crimes business activity in Syria is contributing to. These findings are intended to empower Syrian civil society and international actors by providing them with the information they need to respond to potential violations of international law by Syrian business elites, multinational businesses, and other business actors in Syria.