News & Views

March 18, 2019
Chemical weapons attack in Syria: US, UK and France joint statement
As Permanent Members of the Security Council, we reaffirm our shared resolve to preventing the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime, and for holding them accountable for any such use

March 17, 2019
Billions pledged to help refugees inside Syria and on borders
The figures are disputed, but Jordan houses more than 600,000 refugees, Lebanon 1 million, a sixth of its population, and Turkey as many as 3 million.

March 14, 2019
UN Experts: Syria Unsafe for Refugees, Displaced
"Violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law by all sides remain rampant, creating multiple security vacuums, and thus fertile soil for future escalations," Pinheiro said

March 12, 2019
Syrian forces use widespread sexual violence to humiliate and silence male prisoners, new report says
He told The Post, “A man from Douma did not speak to his family for three days upon his return, and then he killed himself. We only learned his full story from cellmates after his death.”

March 11, 2019
Europe Doesn’t Even Agree on Assad Anymore
Current EU policy is governed by U.N. Resolution 2254, passed in December 2015, which demands “political transition” in Syria

March 10, 2019
Syrian camps: vulnerable children of Isis ignored by the outside world
The young, old and infirm are extremely vulnerable in the camps, which have been drenched with rain since early January

March 8, 2019
Syrian refugees launch legal bid to try Assad for crimes against humanity
“This case represents a genuine breakthrough for the Syrian victims. There is a jurisdictional gateway that has opened up finally for the ICC prosecutor to investigate the perpetrators who are most responsible.”

March 5, 2019
I am proud of being part of the drafting and investigation team at Guernica that made this paper possible

March 4, 2019
Censured by Britain, Hezbollah is bigger than ever in Beirut
Abu Hussein, and other Hezbollah members, seem more comfortable reverting to familiar territory – the ongoing war with Israel, which has intensified efforts in recent months to stop post-war Syria becoming a stronghold for Iran