Search Results for: أنور رسلان

December 25, 2021

Inside the Raslan Trial: An unexpected witness, a missing witness, and a rejected witnesses

Kerber concluded that P57 recognized Raslan at his office. She asked P57 whether he personally saw Raslan. P57 said “yes, exactly” Raslan might have even recognized him as well.

December 15, 2020

Inside the Raslan Trial: State Secrets and Mass Graves

The court decided to allow the partial disguise. He was a former member of a governmental office and is worried about his family in Syria and his relatives had already been threatened.

May 9, 2020

Inside the Anwar Raslan Trial: the first four days

Severely deprives, in contravention of a general rule of international law, a person of his or her physical liberty

February 27, 2019

Justice or Forgiveness? The Case of Anwar Raslan

Discussions about who deserves to be tried, and who deserves amnesty, are integral to any post-conflict criminal accountability process

December 13, 2020

“‘My goal is justice for all Syrians’: one man’s journey from jail to witness for the prosecution

Anwar al-Bunni devoted his life to human rights in Syria. Now in exile in Germany, he is part of a landmark first prosecution for war crimes against Bashar al-Assad’s regime

April 28, 2022

Massacre in Tadamon: how two academics hunted down a Syrian war criminal

“Because how long do you want to go on courting a mukhabarat[intelligence] officer,” asked Uğur. “I think that the moment where he opened up about his brother, and that he committed revenge, that’s as close as you can get in this particular context.”

March 4, 2021

Reflections on the Eyad Al-Gharib Judgment

The case against Al-Gharib was initially built upon a shaky foundation. When the prosecutors filed the case, they might have had more detailed self-incriminating statements from Al-Gharib.

November 9, 2020

It’s time to stop impunity for crimes against journalists in Syria

Since 2014, November 2nd has been dedicated to remembering all journalists who have been killed, harmed, or detained while pursuing their profession and to continuing the fight against impunity for all crimes against journalists.