Nothing after Friday, November 23 will be the same. Black Friday. The black crows have decided that they cannot take Raed Fares any longer. He is too much for them. Like any tyranny, Al-Nusra Front hates the truth, abhors light, and fear fresh air. Raed Fares, the founder and manager of radio Fresh, and the creative mind behind the famous banners of Kafrenbel represents all three: truth, light and fresh air. He had to die. With him was the slim, for ever smiling Hammoud al-Junaid. Whenever first respondents and photographers and reports rush to document an explosive barrel that fell or a missile that removed a school or a mosque, they would find Hammoud before them. He had finished taking photos and is helping people out.
November 24, 2018

Nothing after Friday, November 23 will be the same. Black Friday. The black crows have decided that they cannot take Raed Fares any longer. He is too much for them.
Like any tyranny, Al-Nusra Front hates the truth, abhors light, and fear fresh air. Raed Fares, the founder and manager of radio Fresh, and the creative mind behind the famous banners of Kafrenbel represents all three: truth, light and fresh air. He had to die.
With him was the slim, for ever smiling Hammoud al-Junaid. Whenever first respondents and photographers and reports rush to document an explosive barrel that fell or a missile that removed a school or a mosque, they would find Hammoud before them. He had finished taking photos and is helping people out.
Both Rael and Hammoud were dangerous for Al-Nusra because they were leading demonstrations against Al-Nusra and its allies in Idleb. They had to be remove. And removed they were. On 23/11/2018 on Friday, prominent media and popular leader Raed Al-Fares with his friend and fellow photographer and activist Hammoud Junaid.
Fares ran the Kafrenbel Media Centre. He had been threatened before. Unknown gunmen tried to kill him in 2014 and in 2016 members of the Nusra Front, a branch of Al Qaeda, detained him. In 2014 after the attempt on his life, one account noted: “Al-Fares, who was known as the main impetus behind the Kafrenbel banners which made the small town world famous, had been, since the early days of the revolution, one of the main proponents of nonviolent activism against the regime of Assad. His convictions that creative, nonviolent and civil resistance was the only path to victory for the revolution had set him up on a collision course with Islamist militias from the early days of militarization.”
In accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and Additional Protocol I and II of 1977 on Non-Internationa Armedl Conflicts and UN Security Council Resolution 1738 of 2006, state that journalists are entitled to all rights and protections granted to civilians in international armed conflicts. The same holds true in non-international armed conflicts by virtue of customary international law.
For this, the world should work together to punish the culprit, bring perpetrators to justice, and put an end to the presence of Al-Nusra Front in Syria, within a political solution that ensure the accountability of all perpetrators, on top of whom is Bashar al-Assad and his entourage, as well as all the perpetrators from Al-Nusra and the other radical groups.