
July 30, 2018
Major General Mohammed Deeb Zeitoun
Major General Zeitoun almost never appeared in public or in the media.

July 30, 2018
Wariss Fayyad Al Younes
He became more influential after he became a member of the People's Assembly in a mock election aimed at strengthening the regime's system of peace

July 27, 2018
The ‘used and abused’ children of Syria must learn what ‘peace’ really means, Security Council hears
It is time for them to stop being victims and become game changers, in the restoration of normality in peace and justice - Virginia Gamba

July 25, 2018
Call for the protection of journalists stranded in Southern Syria: Statement from the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)
Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) raise the alarm and work for suitable protection for journalists and media personnel against military actions, arrests, torture, kidnapping and/or various other violations

July 25, 2018
Since the Start of the world Cup, Russian-Syrian Forces Have Killed 71 Civilians
while Moscow was celebrating the World Cup, its forces killed the Syrians in our country.

July 25, 2018
Joint Statement About Torture in Syria
Including Pro-justice, 54 human right and transitional justice groups send a letter to the UN Secretary General and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights about torture in Syria

July 25, 2018
Save The Woman: solidarity campaign with Syrian female detainees
The campaign, according to Sonmez, begins from Istanbul travelling through Izmit, Sakarya, Konya, Ankara, Adana to reach the Turkish-Syrian border on the morning of International Women 's Day on March 8.

July 24, 2018
Syrian Actress and Anti-Assad Activist Mai Skaf Dies
Mai Skaf was a popular Syrian actress and an outspoken critic of the Assad regime

July 23, 2018
Writing Atrocities: Syrian Civil Society and Transitional Justice
the documentation of violations should be considered as a stand-alone mechanism of transitional justice