News & Views

June 2, 2019
Stop the carnage: doctors call for an end to Syria hospital airstrikes
As Idlib province comes under renewed attack, Nobel laureates and surgeons issue a plea to save their colleagues and patients

June 1, 2019
Syria and Russia bomb hospitals in Idlib after they were given coordinates in hope of preventing attacks
Many have also been forced to go underground in an attempt to avoid air strikes

May 29, 2019
Syrian regime forces ‘drop banned cluster bombs’ on Idlib and target hospitals
Sky News has uncovered evidence that Syrian regime forces are bombarding hospitals with a type of banned weapon

May 27, 2019
What hope for Syria’s refugee children ‘the dreamers’ waiting in doorways in Lebanon?
Photojournalist Paddy Dowling travels to Lebanon to discover what the world is doing to address hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees who have no formal or informal access to education

May 25, 2019
Transformations of the Syrian Military: The Challenge of Change and Restructuring
The Syrian regime’s use of local and foreign militias led to an imbalance in the structure and responsibilities of the army during the revolution, so that the military became a more Alawite-dominated institution because of its reliance on its Alawite members

May 24, 2019
Lebanon: Syrians Summarily Deported from Airport
Forced to Sign “Voluntary” Return Forms; Risk of Serious Harm

May 23, 2019
US Senate Foreign Relations Panel Passes Bill To Sanction Syrian Government Supporters The US Senate Foreign
The Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act of 2019, passed by the House in January, would require the US president to impose new sanctions on anyone who does business

May 23, 2019
Raqqa is in ruins like a modern Dresden. This is not ‘precision bombing’
Thousands of Syrians are dead and their city devastated. How dare the US, UK and French militaries speak of ‘surgical strikes’?

May 23, 2019
Walls Have Ears: An Analysis of Classified Syrian Security Sector Documents
The analyzed documents provide a unique, contemporaneous record of the decision-making processes of the Syrian