News & Views

July 13, 2019
Is Russia behind Syria’s security apparatus reform?
The current security structure shuffle is basically part of a reform package, which is associated, among other issues, with previously declared changes in the Republican Guard and the special task forces

July 12, 2019
Syria: Access Must be Given to UN Chemical Weapons Investigators
JOINT STATEMENT - Idlib is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe, and the time for the international community to act is now

July 11, 2019
Syrians are watching their crops burn. These crimes of starvation must end
Amid a war that may have cost 500,000 lives, we must hold the Syrian government and others to account for the use of hunger as a weapon

July 9, 2019
General Ghassan Jawdat Ismail: a criminal replaces another
In 2015, the United Kingdom froze Ghassan Ismail’s assets as part of the measures taken against a group of regime officers responsible for committing violations against Syrians

July 7, 2019
At least 544 civilians killed in Russian-led assault in Syria, rights groups say
Syrian Network for Human Rights says two-month offensive has left 130 children dead

July 5, 2019
Food Security & Conflict in Syria
Siege policies are most dangerous as populations are starved through “collective punishment”

July 2, 2019
United Nations money feeds corruption in Deir ez-Zor
After the revolution broke out, Nuweiser stood with the regime, and maintained his position even though one of his brothers died in an air strike on the al-Hamadiyeh district and another brother was wounded seriously and lost his foot

June 30, 2019
Syrian refugees forced to destroy their own homes in Lebanon
Demolition ordered by military leaves 5,000 families homeless again, says charity

June 27, 2019
50 civil society organizations call for immediate action in the Security Council on the issue of the missing in Syria
While the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of families who keep looking for any information about their missing loved ones during the ongoing conflict in Syria