News & Views

January 22, 2019
Family Of American Jailed In Syria Goes Public In An Appeal To Trump
In 2012, the Syrian conflict and the swelling number of refugees became his urgent concern. He opened two mental health clinics in Lebanon, and another in Jordan. He taught traumatized refugees a stress management technique known as HeartMath

January 21, 2019
Tell Italy: No shaking hands with war criminals
forcibly disappear thousands of civilians. Restoring diplomatic relations will only serve to enable Assad’s crimes. Just this weekend the White Helmets reported several civilian casualties in Idlib due to Syrian and Russian airstrikes

January 16, 2019
15 Syrian children die of freezing weather
Cappelaere pointed out that since December around 10,000 Syrians have fled Hajin area in Syria’s northern Deir Ez-Zor province due to fierce clashes between Daesh and PYD/PKK terrorist groups

January 15, 2019
Crushing of Society: the Annual SNHR Report
6,964 civilians, including 1,436 children and 923 women (adult female), were documented as being killed at the hands of the parties to the conflict in 2018. Of this total, 4,162 civilians, including 713 children and 562 women, were killed by Syrian regime forces, and 467 civilians, including 169 children and 51 women, were killed by Russian forces

January 13, 2019
Syria: Deadly School Attack Was Unlawful
When I got out of the pickup, I walked a few meters toward the place where the second [projectile] fell. When the third fell, the pressure, it threw me onto the truck. I remember there were two girls, students walking toward me

January 12, 2019
Syrians Arrested, Killed Under Reconciliation Agreements
The government has violated additional portions of the agreements: hundreds of arrests have occurred prior to the end of the registration period in places such as Damascus, Hama, and, more recently, in Deraa and the Idlib countryside

January 9, 2019
New Reports Find Assad Regime Continues With its Brutal Tactics
The Syrian Coalition said that these figures make it imperative that the international community shoulder its responsibilities to hold the Assad regime accountable for the widespread crimes it is committing against civilians in the opposition-held areas

January 9, 2019

January 8, 2019
Concerns mount over refugees as ‘Norma’ brings Lebanon strong winds, snow, rainfall
Monday’s weather will be cloudy along with wind speed that exceeds 80 kph. Temperatures will drop further, with snow expected below 1,000 meters