News & Views

January 4, 2019
A New Constitution is Not the Solution for Syria
While implementing a comprehensive and inclusive process certainly poses challenges, it not only can create a superior document, with more public buy-in, but the experience of participation can help citizens learn how to have peaceful dialogue across political differences

December 24, 2018
Syrian Emergency Task Force Head On Syria Conditions
(العربية) The United States leaving Syria has very serious repercussions for our national security and for the possibility of allowing humanitarian atrocities to take place

December 24, 2018
A Post-War Syria?
Justice means not only punishing those responsible for past atrocities but also ensuring that these violations aren’t repeated

December 24, 2018
Assad’s government is doubling down on the killing of political prisoners as
“There was no room for leniency on my second visit,” one man said. “Almost everyone in that room was sentenced to death. They were reading the sentences aloud

December 23, 2018
Let’s not forget the suffering of Syrians
This is our collective legacy of non-intervention. True, no British soldiers have died, but we have seen regular terror attacks in the UK, up to 1 million dead in Syria

December 20, 2018
A New Constitution is Not the Solution for Syria
The primary problem with Syria’s current constitution, which was amended at the beginning of the conflict in 2012, is not its content, but rather its implementation

December 20, 2018
Reflections, gratitude, and hope
As we look ahead to next year, we know there’s much more we will do together

December 19, 2018
Just before its collapse in its last enclave, ISIS executes more than 700 prisoners and detainees, transfers hundreds to the west of Euphrates, and releases a similar number
The same sources also confirmed to the Syrian Observatory that the Organization intentionally transferred 350 to 400 detainees and abductees it has; through Euphrates River to its enclave in Homs and Deir Ezzor west of Euphrates River

December 10, 2018
Revitalizing Civil Society Engagement in the Geneva Process
De Mistura does not seem to understand the value of civil society participation, but rather sees the CSSR as a box to check off