News & Views

August 29, 2019
Coming soon: Black list
Using chemical weapons against the Syrian people in a number of locations, including especially Eastern Ghouta, and likewise the city of Khan Shaykhon

August 29, 2019
Lebanon: Authorities must immediately halt deportation of Syrian refugees
“We urge the Lebanese authorities to stop these deportations as a matter of urgency, and the Higher Defense Council to cancel its related decision

August 24, 2019
With this report, SLDP aims to provide evidence of the types human rights violations and international crimes business activity in Syria

August 23, 2019
EVENT: Syrian war crimes: victims’ rights and opportunities (Berlin)
Join us to learn more about how German prosecutors pursue criminal accountability for crimes committed in Syria, and receive tips on how to bring a case to court

August 20, 2019
Rebels withdraw in key Syrian town as pro-Assad troops advance
Move by insurgents in Khan Sheikhun marks a milestone for Idlib, the last major rebel stronghold

August 15, 2019
The Syrian Regime Continues to Pose a Violent Barbaric Threat and Syrian Refugees Should Never Return to Syria
638 Refugees Were Forcibly Disappeared After Their Return and 15 Returning Refugees Were Killed as a Result of Torture

August 14, 2019
Civilians flee as Syrian government closes in on town bombed with sarin
Advance on Khan Sheikhoun, held by rebels since 2014, comes after collapse of a ceasefire in Idlib earlier this month

August 10, 2019
More than 100,000 people thought to have gone missing or been detained in Syria since war began, UN says
Syrian government responsible for most missing person cases

August 10, 2019
Syrian regime pays heavy price for two strategic towns in Hama
The scrapped truce was brokered in the Kazakh capital of Nur-Sultan Aug. 1, in the presence of the Syrian opposition, the Syrian government and the guarantor states of Russia, Iran and Turkey